Move with fear

“By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear prepared an ark to the saving of his house.” Hebrew 11:7

The key verse “moved with fear” in Greek is eulabeomai, it means to act circumspectly , to reverence, to stand in awe of. The significance of "standing in awe of God" as it pertains to the judgment day, when we all stand before God for eternal judgment and reward, we probably will be trembling with fear, so fearing God is related to judgment.

Two unpopular truths are represented here the Fear of God and the eternal judgment.  Firstly, there are healthy fears and unhealthy fears:  unhealthy fears are associated with torment and that makes us stay away from God, while healthy fears are associated with respect and honor for God's great glory, majesty, and power, as a child reveres and honors his father, and for fear of being separated from him.

Secondly, as stated in Hebrew 6:2, eternal judgment is one of the elementary principles of Christian faith, but it is rarely discussed since judgment sounds harsh and unloving, but humans long for justice, and God is the only one who can exercise divine justice. I would like to emphasize that genuine believers won't be judged for their sins, but will receive eternal rewards, as “Love has been perfected among you in this: so that we may be bold in the day of judgment.” 1 John 4:17. Therefore, God’s love gives us confidence to stand before Him on the day.

It is hard to describe the joy of receiving an eternal reward, and I find that “the golden buzzer moments” on America's Got Talent always give me the inexpressible joy that resembles receiving the eternal reward. Not just receiving joy, His eternal rewards are related to our ruling and reigning with Christ. 

As it is written, "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom", when we have the Godly fear, knowing that everything we do on this earth has eternal significance, we choose to live a life that is devoted to His kingdom and honors Him. 

Blessing prayer: God, You are a rewarder for those who seek you diligently. Help us to understand the eternal truths so that we can live to the fullest on earth. In Jesus’ name, amen 


Father’s guidance 


Casting your cares