Comparing spiritual things

AI, Christian devotional

These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Corinthians 2:10

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, so man’s wisdom is no match for God’s wisdom. Aside from this, man's wisdom is one-dimensional whereas God's wisdom is multidimensional and leads to the spiritual realm. Only God's spirit can teach us spiritual things, so when we receive the Holy Spirit, we can begin "comparing spiritual things with spiritual ”. 

The word “comparing” in Greek is sygkrinō, it also means to judge one thing in connection with another. Without the Holy Spirit, we would simply read the boring text of the Bible. However, when we are led by the Spirit, we experience the Bible is alive and active. Using this bible reading example, we can compare whether the bible reading experience is natural or supernatural. 

Often, we can sense the promptings of the Holy Spirit, but some believers aren't certain if they're from God or how to discern them. We can use the Bible for guidance, to see if the promptings or the small voice align with the scriptures. When we compare the subjective promptings of the Holy Spirit with the objective teachings of God's Word, we will begin to recognize and discern those promptings, so we may act upon it. It is for this reason that word and spirit go hand in hand. After all, the Holy Spirit who writes the Bible is the same author, so He never contradicts Himself. 

In addition to spiritual discernment, we can also compare our matters from a spiritual perspective : In times of doubt, we can compare what God says about us, compare the smallness of our problems with God’s greatness of His power, compare our blessings and testimonies with the lies that dominate our minds, and compare our former lives before we came to Christ, just how amazing His grace saved us! By comparing spiritual things with spiritual perspective, we help build the mind of Christ.

Hence, let us listen to the Holy Spirit, act on His promptings with biblical guidance, and keep learning how to "compare spiritual things with spiritual" with the mind of Christ. 

Blessings prayer: May we discern spiritually and judge all things with the mind of Christ. We pray that the wisdom of God will enlighten our understanding. In Jesus' name, Amen 


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