Diffusing God’s aroma

AI, Christian devotional

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15

There is no doubt that what makes a person attractive is not about looks, but about vibes. Vibe is an abstract concept. We can't see it but we can feel it, whether a person has a positive or negative vibe. As with scent, it is something we cannot see, but it is vital to our perception, conscious mind, and emotions. In spite of the fact that smell is not our dominant sense, we are drawn to the smell of fresh coffee and freshly baked goods, the smell of a baby, and floral smells. I am particularly into aromatherapy and like to mix different essential oils together to create a soothing scent. As well as men, God is attracted to sweet aromas. 

Where does the sweet aroma come from that pleases God? The key verse today mentions that it comes from every believer. We can offer ourselves as a sweet aroma to God by being a living sacrifice. Mary of Bethany displayed this example so well, breaking an abaslastar jar with expensive perfume and pouring it over Jesus' head; I can imagine Jesus receiving "spa" like treatment from Mary.  It is a prophetic picture that Jesus was about to offer his body and release His aroma for mankind, for He is the pleasing aroma. 

As compared to the old testament, we are no longer required to sacrifice animals as offerings to God. The more mature our faith in the Lord becomes, the stronger the aroma we can release in others. Spiritual aromas are much more powerful than synthetic ones on earth. 

Jesus is the pleasing aroma in us, and we are like His "diffuser" to spread this aroma in the world, especially to those around us who are perishing. Death has an utterly disgusting odor, and every believer is called to spread the sweet aroma to the world, to awaken their spirit, to transfer from death to life, and to be a sweet smelling living sacrifice to God. 

By allowing Jesus to release His aroma within us, we will draw people to God's embrace, and our sweet aroma will give the Lord pleasure and even joy. 

Blessing prayer: Let us break our jar and pour our perfume over your head, bringing you the ultimate pleasure with a scent that will attract many. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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