Door and Doorway (Part 2)

Christian, AI, devotional

I am the way. John 14:6

As soon as the door (Dalet) is open, Jesus is invited in to enter in our lives and revealing the doorway "Pethach" that leads to the Father.

“Pethach” means a doorway or openings in Hebrew, and throughout the old testament, the forefathers, Moses, and prophets meet the Lord through the doorway “Pethach”.  To give just one example,  “The door (Pethach) of the tabernacle is where the Lord met Moses” Exodus 33:9  It is the doorway that leads us from the natural realm to the spirtual realm.

Jesus is the door and the way (John 10:9), and He uses the word "the", which means that there is only ONE door and way. Having removed the veil of the Holy of Holies through Jesus' sacrifice, we have access to God's presence and to His heavenly realm as children of God.

Our Christian walk is not a one-time event by opening the door (Dalet) to Jesus, the word "Pethach" means the doorway, literally, an open door to access to God’s throne in the spiritual realm.  The choice is ours whether we keep our Christian walk in the natural realm or step into the heavenly realm by faith through the doorway of Jesus.

We are so blessed under this new covenant, since Jesus opened the doorway to God's throne. We can now enter into His presence with confidence and experience intimacy with Him.

Blessing prayer: Jesus, you are the Way to the Father, so that we can approach His throne with confidence. Now that we have access to the heavenly realm, we can have supernatural encounters with God and walk powerfully on earth as in heaven!  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


Envy kills (Part 1)


Door and Doorway (Part 1)