Extravagant outpouring

AI, Christian devotional

For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring; Isaiah 44:3 

The scriptures line up and fulfill the prophecies from the beginning to the end, which proves the Bible is inerrant, infallible, and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Today's key verse clearly states that God pours His spirit on descendants, and Joel 2:28 says that He will pour out His spirit on all flesh. Acts has three major "outpourings" of the Holy Spirit, the first on Jews in Jerusalem (Acts 2), the second on Samaritans (Acts 8) and the third on Gentiles. (Acts 10) 

The Holy Spirit's outpouring has not stopped in Acts; it has been ongoing for more than 2000 years, and we are still in it! Accordingly, we are under the age of grace since the outpouring lasted for the entire season of the last days (Acts 2:17). However, the age of grace will not last forever; there will be a day of God's wrath in the end times. Those particular prophecies will be fulfilled on that day. 

Pouring out means to have abundance and overflowing supplies. In the age of grace, especially, God lavishes us with His spirit, love, and power in great abundance, not in a stingy drop. It is available to "all flesh," referring to every believer as a result of His outpouring of promises. It is through walking by faith in obedience that we can receive His extravagant outpouring promises. 

We have been blessed by an extravagant God who has provided us with "free flow" of His abundant love, the blood Jesus shed, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We are inundated by God's love, filled with the Holy Spirit, and cleansed by Jesus' blood. God's grace and gift are evident here.

God's extravagant outpouring is meant to be shared. What is the purpose of God "pouring out"? God's grace is lavishly and utterly extended to all men who don't deserve it in the first place, without reservation. Our lives are meant to be filled with God's extravagant grace, and we are meant to share that grace with those around us, even those who don't appear to deserve it.

We are made in God's image, so let us extend His overflowing blessings and grace to others and continually be filled with the extravagant outpouring! 

Blessing prayer: May we receive and experience God's extravagant grace to overflow and become blessings to others and fulfill your kingdom assignment. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Glorious scars


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