Fear-based false humility (Part 2) 

And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Has God ever called you to go higher and do greater things, but you resisted or doubted it?  There are voices within saying "No!" What am I? "I don't dare dream big", "I'm content where I am right now." It is written in the Bible not to think highly of ourselves (Romans 12:3), for true humility does not seek attention or recognition from others. God, however, always chooses humble people for His purposes and to accomplish His assignments on earth. 

Humility is not an excuse for beating ourselves up or developing a self-depreciating mind filled with rejection self-talk, as these are false humility disguised as unworthiness. This justifies and gives us an excuse not to obey God, not to rely on Him, and to simply reject His view of us.

Pride can also appear as arrogant, but on its flip side, it can also cause us to view ourselves as worthless and inferior, so pride causes us to have either too high or too low an opinion of ourselves, as we believe our own view is more important than God's. 

Thus, false humility prevents us from seeing our true identity, resulting in hindered relationships with God and ineffective service to Him. When we feel inadequate and unworthy, we doubt ourselves and hold back our God-given gifts. 

This type of false humility is rooted in fear of disappointment and failure. Perhaps we have suffered setbacks and failures in the past, which have made us avoid pain and do not dare to dream again. As a form of self-preservation, staying the same place is more comfortable to play safe. Staying in our comfort zone allows us to receive sympathy and help from others. We aren't required to respond to God's call and connect to our true identity, which requires change, as change is always uncomfortable. 

False humility disguised as unworthiness breeds danger because it prevents us from restoring our true identity in Christ and rejecting His destiny. In addition, because we do not believe in God's saving work and power in our weakness, we block and reject God's love and nullify the cross' work, as outlined in the key verse.   

True humility consists of obeying, fully depending on God, and seeing ourselves in God's eyes. When we are confused with the slavery mindset, we forget that Jesus’s sacrifice has already restored our sonship, enabling us to obey like sons and daughters, and trust our heavenly father to provide what is best for us.

Blessing prayer: Lord, may we renounce false humility and return to our true identity and destiny in Christ. In Jesus' name, Amen 


Fear-based false humility (Part 3) 


Fear-based false humility (Part 1)