From shame to testimonies

AI, Christian devotional

The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things. John 4:25

In John 4, Jesus reveals Himself to a Samaritan woman at the well as Messiah. It is unclear what the background of the Samaritan woman was like, but we do know that she was an outcast, even an outcast within outcasts. 

There are three facts about her. First of all, from a Jewish perspective, a Samaritan is viewed as a foreigner and disliked by Jews.  Even the Samaritan woman said that Jews do not associate with Samaritans (John 4:9). The second fact is that she is a woman, as women were often classified as second-class citizens during Jesus's time. Jesus' disciples were even amazed that Jesus talked with a woman in public. Furthermore, the Samaritan woman was viewed as a sinner because she had had five husbands, including the one she was living with at the time. 

We don't know why she'd had five husbands , but it was surely not a pleasant fact, and perhaps she tried to avoid people drawing water during the sixth hour, which is noonday, when nobody was around. There could be a sense of shame that she wants to hide from people's gossip and comments regarding her five failed marriages. Shame is a hiding emotion that makes us afraid of light. 

Interestingly enough, Jesus did not hesitate to point out the woman's innermost issue, asking her "Go, call your husband", and then He revealed her issue and ultimately Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah to her. Through bringing up her issue, Jesus shines light upon her heart, bringing acceptance and redemption. She wasn't condemned for her issue; rather, Jesus called for her to worship in truth and in spirit.  Jesus as the light sheds light on the woman, extinguishing the darkness of shame, and she began to believe He is the Messiah.

Immediately, she left her waterpot and went to the city to give testimony. It was such a stark difference from a woman hiding from her shame to become so outspoken to witness Jesus in the town, and even openly testify to Jesus knowing her past to reveal the truth.  

The Samaritan woman story illustrates that God can turn our shame into a testimony. Once we encounter Jesus, He takes away our shame, so we no longer need to hide and can be the light to testify Jesus.

Blessing prayer: In your light, we see light. May you remove our shame and reproach so we can be bold in faith and be the light. In Jesus’name, Amen 


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