Give me a blessing

AI, Christian devotional

She answered, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me land in the South, give me also springs of water.” So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs. Joshua 15:19

Like father, like daughter. Caleb is  known as a man who follows the Lord wholeheartedly, also at 85 years old, he asked Joshua to "give me my mountain", and in the key verse, Caleb’s daughter asked him to give her springs of water

I believe Caleb's daughter was confident that her father loved her dearly because her name is Achsah, a Hebrew name for a precious jewel, an anklet bracelet. Having won the battle at Debir, Achsah was given to Othniel, and Caleb gave the couple the land in the south that perharps needed water, so Achsah asked Othniel to ask Caleb for springs water, but he didn't ask, so Achsah went to see her father.

In her request, Achsah didn't ask for the spring of water out of greed, but out of a reasonable desire to make the land more livable. She asked with holy boldness. Her example shows us how to exercise our right to ask, and how to ask boldly in our prayers. Firstly, she approached Caleb in a respectful manner, like she got down from the donkey to approach her father, which is a sign of respect in Jewish culture. Additionally, she asked directly with gratitude, mentioning that Caleb had already given her the land of South, but she didn't stop there, she asked for more and Caleb ended up giving her not just one spring but both upper and lower springs. 

As a symbol of God's blessing, the upper and lower springs symbolize both heavenly and earthly blessings. The story of Achsah illustrates her confidence yet reverence to ask for blessings from her father. This holy boldness led her to receive God's blessings much more than she expected. 

Often, some Christians stop asking boldly because in our minds, we may believe that we are asking too much of God or that we do not deserve more blessings from Him. 

If we ask for things out of a good reason, why not like Achsah come boldly to the throne of grace and ask "give me a blessing?"

Blessing prayer: Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that our loving father is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Tears of exile 


Work is holy Part 2