God makes it happen

Then he said, “O Lord God of my master Abraham, please give me success this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham. Genesis 24:12

Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac, and in today's key verse, the servant prays, “Give me success this day”.

In Hebrew, the phrase "give me success" is "Qarah", which means to happen, to meet without prior arrangement, and to lay the beams.  Laying beams reminded me of a Cantonese slang called 塌塌冚, meaning the placement of objects in the right order and with precision. I sometimes use this slang to describe things that work out so well without any prior planning on my part. 

“Qarah” means right happening, a good Qarah means things happen at the right time and place. Aside from the marriage story between Isaac and Rebecca occurring at the "Qarah" moment, Ruth and Boaz also met at the "Qarah" moment when Ruth happened to glean from Boaz's field.  Success does not merely mean gaining wealth, but also meeting the right people that lead to favor and good things happening. 

Like the servant of Abarham, let us pray boldly, “Give me Qarah this day.” It is a simple prayer that indicates our deep trust in the Lord that He will intervene in our lives, whether it is for our work situations, finding our spouse, or a simple mission. Only He can make things happen in our lives. Expect divine encounters with His unlimited favor!

Blessing prayer: Give us “qarah” this day and we trust that everything will work out according to your perfect will. Only you Lord can bring the right people to the right place at the right time!  In Jesus’ name, Amen 


Gentleness comes from love 


Freedom from poverty mindset (Part 2)