Freedom from poverty mindset (Part 2)

“he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6 

Poverty is a need mind, while the Kingdom’s abundance is a seed mind.

The world system demands buys and sells, so the motive is to find the best deal to fulfill our needs. Additionally, the poverty mindset thinks in subtraction: if I give this, I only have this left. As opposed to that, the Kingdom's abundant mindset is a law of sowing and reaping that comes with multiplication like a hundredfold return.

As we sow into God's kingdom, we destroy the work of the devil. Here are a few major lies that the devil is trying hard to implant in our minds, and how they can be debunked.

  • “Be practical! The small giving won't make a difference and you have a bill to pay.”  Practicality sounds wise, but it is disguised as unbelief. We should always give out of obedience, not based on human calculations.

  • “I am too poor to give.” The story of the widow giving two mites proves that no one is too poor to give. It is our hearts that God looks at, not the amount we have.

  • “It is mine! I work so hard for it.”  All such boasting stems from pride.  It's all God's, we are stewards of His resources He has given us.

By giving, we can break free from the poverty mindset, focusing less on ourselves and more on God's promises. As He promises “He will supply all our needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.“ Philippians 4:19 

Meanwhile, God has assigned each of us the mission on earth to give to the poor and accomplish His kingdom purposes just as the economy of this world needs finance. Let us sow more and be a channel of blessing.

Blessing prayer: We declare everything is yours and thank you for your abundant supply. Give us a cheerful heart to sow for your kingdom and help us not to withhold anything that belongs to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


God makes it happen


Freedom from poverty mindset (Part 1 )