Freedom from poverty mindset (Part 1 )

heaven riches

“I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.”Luke 15:19

Kingdom's financial freedom has nothing to do with the number of our bank accounts on earth; it comes from within our minds and follows the spiritual laws. We’ve seen some rich people don't experience financial freedom as they are still enslaved by the demonic influence of Mammon and operate under the poverty mindset like fear of lack, so regardless how much money we have, we may still be under the financial bondage.

Poverty is a stronghold of Satan's in our minds, which can easily cripple us from furthering God's kingdom as it makes us focus on our needs instead of God’s promises.  In order to overcome poverty mindsets that may be rooted in our family upbringing, financial mismanagement or from the world, we must continually renew our thought patterns and operate out of our true identity as sons, not slaves.

What does a slave think?  A slave feels unworthy and insignificant since he doesn't own anything, has no rights or access to resources. A king's son knows his identity and feels worthy because the king loves him, and the king gives him authority and resources.

The key verse shows that the prodigal son does not feel worthy to be his father's son, and he wants to be his slave. This sense of unworthiness and slavery mentality will keep us from receiving our heavenly father's blessings and mercy. It is therefore important to know our identity and authority in Christ.

God is a good father and He will provide and bless the children, and poverty is not God's plan. Let's receive God's best robe, as He places a ring on our hand and shoes on our feet, so we can walk in the power and authority of our true identity as sons, not slaves.

Blessing prayer: We are no longer slaves, but sons, and heirs of God through Christ. Thank you Jesus for setting us free from bondage. We are truly free indeed! In Jesus’s name, Amen 


Freedom from poverty mindset (Part 2)


Aging with vigor