Aging with vigor  

caleb, promised land

As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me;  Joshua 14:11

The world culture emphasizes youth and anti-aging, and somehow this shapes the idea that the elderly are useless and unworthy, and sometimes I hear people in their 50s saying that they are useless. When some people age, they tend to look down on themselves, but the bible views getting old differently as "the silver haired head is a crown of glory", and the biblical law commands us to honor and respect the elderly. 

What makes gray headed people glorious? Old age is a sign of wisdom and longevity. In the Bible, God has used many old people to accomplish impossible things. For example, Moses, Abraham, Sarah, and Caleb, who followed the Lord wholeheartedly even at an old age. 

In the key verse, Caleb told Joshua he was ready for battle at the age of 85, he was as strong as 40 years old when Moses sent Caleb to spy the promised land.  Despite his advanced age, Caleb is full of vigor and runs after God and His promises. God has not finished with us, even though we are getting old and the strength is failing, we can age with vigor and honor like Caleb. 

“My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 Although our physical strength will diminish with age, God promises that He is the strength of our hearts forever. Even though our outward man is perishing, our inward man is renewed each day.

Regardless of our age, the Spirit in us has so much to offer God's Kingdom and the next generation. As long as we can breathe, God is not done with us yet as He has great purpose for all of us. 

Blessing prayer: Give us Caleb's anointing so that we are full of strength and follow you wholeheartedly. Your strength and endurance will sustain us all the days of our lives, and we embrace the crown of glory no matter how old we get! In Jesus’s name, Amen


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