Greatness comes from God's gentleness

Your gentleness has made me great. Psalm 18:35

In the key verse, the word gentleness means humility/ meekness while the word great means multiplying or increase exeedingly. The verse can be translated as Your gentleness helps me multiply exceedingly.” 

David attributes his success to God's gentleness, which goes against what the world teaches. It is taught in the world that to look successful, we need to appear strong and rely on our own strength; however, the Bible says that God exalts the humble, reminding us that our greatness comes from God's grace. Therefore, our accomplishments are not derived from our own strength, but from God's gentleness and graciousness. 

Gentleness also means strength under control and since God has all power, He would have destroyed mankind if He wanted to.  Rather than choosing wrath, God demonstrates His gentleness by sending Jesus so that mankind can become co-heirs with Him, which is our ultimate greatness! 

Blessing prayer:  God, thank you for your gentleness towards us and for sending Jesus to be the perfect example of humility. May we one day stand before you and cast all our crowns at your feet and declare "your gentleness has made us great!" In Jesus’ name Amen 


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