Healing the orphaned heart Part 2

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15

Sonship is the opposite of an orphan heart. We need to be filled with the Father's love and the Holy Spirit helps us become mature sons and daughters to receive the truth that God loves us just as we are. 

As a child, my father passed away from cancer when I was 7 years old, leaving me with an orphan heart. By God's grace, I have experienced His healing on three occasions: 

The first encounter was when my church invited the fathers from the congregation to pronounce blessings one-on-one during Father's Day, and to pray over Matthew 3:16, since that is the moment when God affirms Jesus after He is baptized by saying, "This is my beloved son." When I went to the front to receive the blessing, I felt the strong presence of the Holy Spirit, I burst into tears, and the brother did too. It did not really matter if he prayed or not, I was just soaking up the healing moment and receiving God's love. Afterwards, I went to the beach for my friend's baptism. It was a heavy rainy day, so I was soaked. When it was my friend's turn to get baptized in the sea, the rain stopped. I saw a light come out of the dark cloud, and I sensed God's voice say, "You are my beloved daughter." As if He showed me the Matt 3:16 moment right before my eyes.

Similarly, the second encounter involved a healing ministry that asked male ministers to pronounce fatherly blessings. As I stood before the minister for the blessings, I felt eerie. As soon as the minister finished his prayer, I looked at him and said, “You look like my father.” and he looked at me kindly and smiled, and we knew God was at work at that moment. 

My third encounter was receiving an inner healing session from my church. In the last session, the minister wrote a compelling speech that addressed my innermost issues in my father's tone. She was speaking on behalf of my father, seeking forgiveness for my issues due to his absence. I bawled as I realized my father wound, and the minister invited Jesus to heal my innermost issues. Then, I remembered that my father kept a photo of me in his wallet and was so thankful that he brought the gospel to our family, because this is the greatest gift he could have given us. I was healed with love because I know my earthly and heavenly fathers love me so much.

Although I have experienced three transformative healing moments, I am still a work in progress. I hope my testimonies encourage you that Father God loves you and can heal our f wound. If God had a wallet, He would put your photo on it. Your name is in His palms, His heart is full of you, and He thinks of you all the time.

Blessing prayer: Abba father, thank you for loving us as we are. Because of your love, we don't feel like orphans, but your beloved sons and daughters. In Jesus' Name, Amen




Healing the Orphaned Heart Part 1