And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Exodus 3:14

God revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush and asked Moses to deliver His people from Pharaoh. As Moses replied, “Who am I? ” 

Moses may think I am 80 years old, I am just an old shepherd, why God didn't ask me to deliver my people 40 years ago when I was a powerful prince of Egypt. "I feel so inadequate now."  

40 years ago, Moses was full of himself, "I AM the Prince of Egypt." But God takes His pride away and he becomes a meek shepherd before the Lord, asking "who am I?" with a sense of inadequacy. The question "Who am I?" was not directly answered by God. Instead, God replied, “I AM who I AM.” 

"I am who I am" is the ultimate statement of self-sufficiency, self-existence, and the everlasting presence of God. In addition to transcending time, space, and matter, he has no beginning, and he does not depend on anything for his continued existence.  In John 18, when the people attempted to capture Jesus, he said "I am HE", and they immediately fell to the ground, so the name "I am" carries much weight and power. 

Therefore, God has already answered Moses's questions: do not look at your inadequacy, but at my sufficiency. The next time we are in doubt and ask “Who am I?” we can rephrase it as “Here am I”. It's time to surrender our "I am" to God's I AM who I AM, letting Him fill in the blanks of "I am..."

“I AM who I AM” also symbolizes God's presence towards us, He is present with his people in all their sufferings. The name indicates that God is not only all-powerful and exists, but also that He is near and loves us. 

Just like Moses was always in front of God, the more we stay in front of him, the more we forget who we are. We surrender the "I am...into God’s I AM who I AM." 

Blessing prayer: Lord, here I am. In Jesus’ name, Amen


What is inner healing ministry?


Healing the orphaned heart Part 2