HODL Truth 

Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding. Proverbs 23:23

As of writing today, bitcoin is worth more than USD 27,000, compared to $130 10 years ago. It is not financial advice, but I use Bitcoin simply as an analogy to illustrate today's key verse: "Buy the truth, and do not sell it." "Buy and sell" represents the concept of investing, and truth is an investment, so it is similar to the bitcoin analogy that long-term investments increase in value. HODL is a popular crypto slang word for "buy and hold," meaning people buy Bitcoin not to sell no matter what the market price is.

In the same way, we must view truth with a similar attitude. Acquiring and holding the truth is a spiritual principle. What is truth? “Your word is truth” John 17:17, and Jesus is the Truth. The Holy Spirit is known as the Spirit of Truth.  We can "buy" the truth by spending time with God and reading His word. The analogy of bitcoin suggests that when we spend time in the Word, it is like mining bitcoins. By getting the truth from God's word, which makes us eternally wealthy, as well as acquiring wisdom, instruction, and understanding, which help us distinguish good from evil and lead to prosperity on earth.  

Conversely, how do we sell the truth? Some people trade truth for things far less valuable, as we trade truth for some earthly gain, pleasure, approval of others or popularity, or remain silent about things that aren't true, or compromise what is true and call lies as truth, etc. Satan, the God of this world, wants us to trade truth for lies, because he wants to make us poor and creates a spiritual trade deficit under the world system.

There's a saying that says faith is the currency of heaven. This is true for the spiritual economy, as Jesus paid it all for us so that we can ask in faith, "Daddy, buy us more truth." As we ask, God will grant us truth and wisdom. Faith in the truth allows us to enjoy spiritual freedom and true riches!

Blessing prayer: We desire your truth and wisdom since they are more precious than fine gold. We ask for a heart that values truth and gains spiritual wealth. In Jesus' name, Amen


Sowing to the Spirit 


Guidance in the midst of adversity