Hope does not disappoint 

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5

Hope is an expectation that something good will happen, and we all have dreams and hopes. However, life hits us hard and some of our hopes are dashed, leading to disappointment. We suffer disappointment when expectations are not met or hope is lost, which breaks our hearts and makes us bitter. 

Is it possible to be disappointed by "hope"? It happens when we place our hopes in the wrong things , for example, when we put our hope in others and people often disappoint us, and worldly hopes are fleeting and temporary. When we put our hope in ourselves, such as trying to figure out things on our own and remove God from the picture, these kinds of hopes will disappoint us.

As opposed to this, biblical hope is steadfast and reliable, no matter what tribulation we face. It is like an anchor, falling from a ship to the bottom of the sea. A heavy anchor embeds itself securely in the seafloor and prevents the ship from being tossed and driven by the wind. So when we place our hope in God's truth and faithfulness, He will never fail us.

Biblical hope is not wishful thinking, but an expectation that aligns with God's truth and is based on scripture. Today's key verse promises that the Holy Spirit enables us to experience God's love, giving us hope that never disappoints. Our hope in God is a steadfast assurance that comes from His love and unchanging nature. This means we can trust His promises and provisions to be fulfilled no matter what surrounds us. It is a strong expectation that something good is about to happen, such as breakthroughs, dreams, or miracles.

Therefore, we can anchor our hope on these two foundational truths: the love of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Blessing prayer: We pray that the Holy Spirit will help us abound in hope and overflow with confidence in your promises as we place our hope anchor in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen


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