You are valued by God  

“And indeed, as your life was valued much this day in my eyes, so let my life be valued much in the eyes of the Lord, and let Him deliver me out of all tribulation.” 1 Samuel 26:24 

Today's key verse describes David's compelling words to Saul when he spared Saul's life for the second time. "Valued" in Hebrew is "gadal", it means magnify, to become great, to grow up, and to esteem. "Let my life be valued much in the eyes of the Lord", sums up beautifully that we are all valuable in God's eyes, so God wants to magnify us and deliver us from all troubles. 

The story of David is indeed a wonder to many (Psalm 71:7) says, but also strange at the same time. In the beginning, David was introduced as Jesse's insignificant son. In spite of being overlooked by others, including his father, God knows his value because God sees him.  People in this world may overlook our value and treat us unfavorably, especially carnal people who cannot judge spiritual things, and Christians may seem foolish to them. As Paul mentions, we have become "scum of the earth". (1 Cor. 4:13)

This reminded me of a story about a father who gave his son an antique watch that had been in his family for more than 200 years. As the son went to the watch shop and the pawn shop, people offered the son a low price of 10 dollars. This is because the antique watch looked old and torn. After the father instructed the son to take the watch to the museum, the museum curator offered $500,000 for it. This was because the watch was such a rare piece with significant value. Moral of the story: do not be upset when we aren't valued, because we are looking in the wrong place. 

God's eyes are the right place to find our value. The value of every person in the eyes of God never decreases. It is His fatherly heart who wants to promote, reward and magnify us, just like a loving parent wants their children to be successful and become great.

Let us experience and find our values in God's eyes, not in this world. Our value is magnified by Him, and we become a wonder to many. 

Blessing prayer: You see us as the apple of your eye. We may be despised by men, but only God can make us great. I pray that we are valued in your eyes, magnify your name, and help others grow as well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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