Unresolved anger 

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city. Proverbs 16:32

Anger begins in the soul, and it serves as the enemy's assignment to rob us of our peace and relationships with God and others. Whenever the spirit of anger becomes a stronghold in our lives, like constantly battling uncontrollable anger, we must destroy it at its roots. I'm not talking about righteous anger or occasional anger, as some anger can be useful as an emotional signal. I'm referring to the spirit of anger, a supernatural principality that is working to discredit us, causing us to lose our control over anger to the point of wrath, and making us behave according to our flesh, never bringing peace to us. Negative circumstances often follow, such as relationship breakdowns and even health problems. 

Deliverance ministry identifies three major doors that bring demonic spirits into our lives: sin, generational curse, and trauma. Anger can be rooted in traumas such as unresolved hurt and guilt from the past.

Each person's past pain and guilt differs. There are some major hurts, such as rejection from childhood or being rejected by someone close to them.  Personal faults, such as being unable to forgive ourselves for certain failures, can lead to critical judgment, so when others make similar mistakes, it will trigger the explosion of guilt. Also, when expectations are not met, we may develop resentment toward others. This may be rooted in disappointment at the failed promise. 

How can we overcome the spirit of anger? When we react in anger, let the Holy Spirit convict us to repent and seek forgiveness immediately. In repentance and forgiveness, we stop agreeing with the spirit of anger and don't allow sin a foothold in our lives. Furthermore, the unresolved past may be the root cause. Seek spiritual help from the Holy Spirit, asking Him to identify past experiences and previous failures that contribute to our present frustration.

Finally, let us overcome the spirit of anger with the blood of Jesus and the word of testimony, for we don't war against the flesh and blood, but against the spiritual principalities.

Blessing prayer: Deliver us from the spirit of anger. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from us, help us be kind to one another, tenderhearted and forgiving as God forgives us. In Jesus’ name, Amen


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