Jesus was pressed three times 

“he was crushed for our iniquities” Isaiah 53:5

As Jesus prayed before His crucifixion, He was in the garden of Gethsemane, which is also known as “the place for pressing oil ”. In the ancient time, olive oil was produced using a heavy stone oil crusher that pressed olives to squeeze the oil. 

The image depicts Jesus as the olive who himself let the weight of the world's sins press down on Him. Olives were traditionally pressed three times for special purposes, and Jesus was the olive pressed three times before He died on the cross.

  • First press: Olive oil was used for the temple lampstand

It was the first press that started Jesus's agony in Gethsemane. As Jesus knelt in prayer, and his sweat turned to blood.  During the arrest, Jesus said “​ But this is your hour—when darkness reigns.” Jesus is the light shining in the darkness.

  • Second press: Olive oil was produced for medicinal purposes

 The second press Jesus underwent was when He was severely beaten and scourged. “ By His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).  Our healing comes from Jesus' tremendous scourging. 

  • Third press: Olive oil was used to make soap 

 As Jesus poured out His blood on the cross, and like soap, His blood cleanses us of sins. His final press washed our sins away. 

Jesus' suffering and death represent the cost of our salvation, just like olives crushed into oil. Let us respond to Jesus' sacrifice with thankfulness and be His light in the world, receiving His healing, and forgiveness of sins.  

Blessing prayer: Thank you Jesus for being pressed for us like olives are pressed for oil. Your salvation pours over us like an extravagant oil.  May we be anointed with your oil so we can see light in the darkness, receive your healing and heal the sick, and break the power of sin as you have forgiven us! In Jesus’ name Amen.


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