Hiding blocks intimacy

AI, Christian devotional

Let love be genuine. Romans 12:9

As we see in the key verse, genuine in Greek is anypokritos, which means dissimulation and hypocrisy. The word “dissimulation” is defined as the act of hiding or faking one's true feelings.

Probably the most common lie in the world is "I'm fine."  That's easier to say than share the true feelings with others or even with ourselves. There may be various reasons why people hide their true feelings. We may want to appear strong, we may not want to bother anyone, or we may feel ashamed about our weaknesses. Whatever the reason, it is primarily driven by fear and shame.

By hiding our true feelings, we will experience intimacy blocks, which makes it difficult to experience love, and to get closer to God, for God is love.  Instead of choosing isolation over intimacy, we need God's mercy to help us overcome our fear and shame, only He can heal our brokenness and fear of intimacy.  

The antidote to hiding is to be vulnerable to God and receive the power of the cross.  On the cross, Jesus demonstrated the ultimate vulnerability and brokenness human beings can experience, for He endured the great pain and God's wrath for us. As a result of this divine exchange, we can truly be healed from our brokenness, fear and shame.

Thus, no more hiding, but running to God with our honest feelings to receive His divine healing.

 Blessing prayer: God, you will not despise a broken and contrite heart. Thank you, Jesus, for everything you suffered on the cross. You were wounded, so that we might be healed. You bore our shame, so that we might share your glory. You endured our rejection, so that we might have His acceptance with the Father.  In Jesus’ name Amen  


Jesus was pressed three times 


Our hearts are everything