Killing envy (Part 2)

“Love does not envy.”  1 Corinthians 13:4 

Envy needs to die. As envy is more than just feeling sad about another's success; it is also wanting that person to not have it, which breeds hatred and causes damage.

The antidote to envy is love and obedience to God by fulfilling His two great commandments: “Love God, and love others.” Love can drive out envy since they cannot coexist. It is impossible to love a person and be envious of the person at the same time. When we truly love someone, we can "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:15.

If we feel envious of someone, start praying for them as God will turn someone we envy into someone we love through prayer.

Secondly, practice gratitude and trust God's goodness completely. Having envy makes us resentful towards God for the things we don't have and makes it difficult to be grateful for things we do have. Envy is a lie that seeks to make us doubt God's goodness and love for us. 

Therefore, we must trust God 100% wholeheartedly, and even a 1% of doubt may cause our faith to shake and cause us to be double-minded. When discontentment creeps into our lives, let us praise and give thanks to the Lord, and trusting that He has a great plan in store for us, it is a powerful way to tear down envy.

Lastly, let's run our own race and live a life that glorifies God since "each of us shall give an account of himself to God." Romans 14:12. We will all stand before God one day, and it is a waste of our lives to compete with one another. We are called to bring God’s kingdom on earth, and we will fulfill this calling with unity. Hence, we are here to serve one another by helping, empowering, and enabling them to glorify God.  When we make our calling sure, envy cannot divide us.

Blessing prayer: Thank you for being so loving and gracious to us. Forgive us if we have discontent or grudges against you, for you are so gracious and abundant in love! Help us love others as you have loved us. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


Being the pillar in God’s house


Envy kills (Part 1)