Leadership empowered by God 

For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God. 1 Chronicles 12:22

Today's key verse shows how God assembled a dream team for David for His kingdom unification process, not flabby and undisciplined warriors, but men of valor.  Valor means virtue, strength, and power. This is not just that they were prepared for battles but also that they had other outstanding qualities. The Bible describes a great army, like God's army.  David's life story fascinates me as we discover how those men of valor were committed to David and what we can learn from God's leadership. 

A leader is a team builder, and empowering others is at the core of leadership. Empowerment provides full support and enables people to participate in decision-making. People are motivated to perform better when they feel empowered and respected, which creates an atmosphere of trust and accountability.  Hence, a good leader has a heart for people, giving them the knowledge and power to complete tasks and achieve goals. 

Leadership begins with empowerment, which means that leaders must first empower themselves, and God is the source of empowerment. While David's story is full of ups and downs, we can see God empowered him to accomplish the tasks along the way. Although God's choice of leadership may not always seem obvious and logical, Samuel even erred when he thought David's brothers would be the chosen king. David was chosen by God because he has a heart after God. The key to being empowered by God is to complete God's tasks with God’s help. 

Whether David was a shepherd boy, later formed a gang of 400 people, and then led 12 tribes' men of valor, it took David approximately 20 years to become the king of Israel. While many saw David's transition as a failure, he remained faithful to God, he was empowered by God mightily, gained extensive battle experience, and thus earned the respect and loyalty of other mighty warriors. 

The true source of leadership is God, and when leaders are empowered by Him constantly, God will bless them with His divine empowerment and enable them to accomplish His divine goals. 

Blessing prayer: Grant us a heart for your people, and may we possess a teachable spirit, so that you can empower us along the way . In Jesus’ name, Amen


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