Exposing witchcraft (Part 1)

AI, Christian devotional

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. 1 Samuel 15:23

As we are under the “spirit of the world” (1 Corinthians 2:12), witchcraft doesn't only occur in fantasy literature, but also in sorcery, substance abuse, culture, and relationships, where the goal of witchcraft is to “control others and manipulate them to do what they want." There are two types of witchcraft.

Witchcraft is often associated with spiritual practices such as "villain hitting" under the bridge in Hong Kong, casting spells and curses by witches, voodoo, and other practices that most Christians can easily identify as black magic by witchcraft. "Occult witchcraft" is the practice of divination in order to manipulate, control, and divert people's destiny in exchange for favor and blessing. 

The second type is fleshly witchcraft that is rooted in the work of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21); people or groups are able to exert control in these three ways: manipulation, intimidation, and domination.

Those who want to control others can recognize who is weaker, so they seek to control that weaker person. Those who are strong intimidate others in order to achieve their end goal, “control others and satisfy their fleshly desires.” For instance, political parties and the business world use witchcraft tactics and tools to manipulate and control people. 

There are many examples of fleshly witchcraft in close and family relationships. For example, a husband intimidates his wife with violence, a wife manipulates her husband with tears and hurtful feelings, some children can use guilt to manipulate their parents, and even Christian leaders can manipulate congregations to fit their fleshy agenda. 

In today's key verse, witchcraft and rebellion go hand in hand, and the definition of rebellion is a spirit of disobedience, saying "God isn't in charge, I am".  Rebellion is the rejection of God’s legitimate authority. As a result of the fall, mankind has been influenced by the spirit of rebellion because of our Adamic nature. 

The desire to control and manipulate others is evil, since God never seeks to control us. He gives us free will to choose Him, good or evil. However, He holds us responsible for how we use this freedom and the consequences of our wrong choices. Part 2 will discuss how to overcome witchcraft.

Blessing prayer: May you deliver us from any forms of witchcraft in our lives so that we may submit to your will because you have come to free us from slavery and bondage. In Jesus' name, Amen


Exposing witchcraft (Part 2)


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