Exposing witchcraft (Part 2)

AI, Christian devotional

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Witchcraft is associated with demonic power or can be the work of the flesh, and its root cause is often the spirit of rebellion. Witchcraft operates beyond divination and affects many aspects of society, including our relationships. By exposing the spirit of witchcraft, we can learn how the spiritual realm affects our lives and deal with it with God's help.

Witchcraft attempts to obscure the cross' finished work because only the cross can nullify witchcraft . The cross has already defeated Satan completely, eternally, and irreversibly. As Satan cannot undo that defeat, the cross provides an all-sufficient basis for us to claim freedom and be delivered from every demonic force. The key verse for today shows how to combat witchcraft, it says that when we submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us. Our submission requires repentance and following the righteous path and not going back to the old ways.

People who have been involved with heavy occult practice may experience more intense deliverance, so if you are seeking help breaking the occult ties, find experienced ministers or mature Christians who can help with strong intercessory prayer, fasting may also be necessary. To maintain deliverance, it is essential that we have a committed bible believers to walk with us and reaffirm the victory with God’s truth. 

Even though deliverance can be effective to overcome occult witchcraft,  we should focus on ourselves rather than point out others or obsess about expelling other people's demons.  Since every battle belongs to God, if God does not call us to fight, it is wrong to embark on "a witch hunt", because God would never force or push anyone. Deliverance can only take place when someone is 100% willing to do so. 

Fleshly witchcraft commonly manipulates people's emotions by making them feel guilty or intimidated. As the Holy Spirit does not make people feel guilty, if we make people feel guilty or conversely if someone continually causes us to feel guilty and intimidated, let the Holy Spirit guide us what to do and pray against witchcraft that affects our relationships.

Witchcraft also intimidates us by making us believe that another person's opinion or approval is so important that what they say has power over us. We can ask ourselves the question "Is that person's approval that important to me that I will allow myself to be manipulated or intimidated? " The answer is a big No! We submit to God, not to men, so it doesn't matter.

Let us proclaim that the cross can nullify witchcraft, and the Holy Spirit helps us walk in freedom and live in a victorious life! 

Blessing prayer: No weapon formed against us will prosper, and every operation of witchcraft is nullified by the cross. In Jesus Name, Amen


The sanctuary of God 


Exposing witchcraft (Part 1)