The sanctuary of God 

Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end. Psalm 73:17

The Psalm 73 was written by Aspah, a talented writer and musician who served in the temple. Known as "Aspah lament", he pours out his sorrow and emotions before God in his psalms.

Psalm 73, in particular asks, "Why do good things happen to bad people?" 

It's clear that Asaph is dissatisfied and envious of the wicked people, who don't walk with God yet seem so blessed. Even he asked truthfully, “Is it worth it to walk with God?” The Bible is a book filled with wisdom and mystery, as well as a book that is open to human questions and expression. 

Although Psalm 73's first half is filled with doubt over God's goodness, I believe that God knows most of us have asked this question, so it is not wrong to ask these questions, because until we are standing before God on that DAY, we won't be able to grasp all things.

Yet, there is a turning point in Psalm 73 and in the key verse says, "Until I went into the sanctuary of God"; which changed Aspah’s perspective dramatically, as he was enlightened of God’s justice and praised God for His goodness. Those questions suddenly made sense to Asaph as God's perspective replaced his "nature thinking". 

In our lives, how do we enter the sanctuary? In the old testament, the sanctuary was a physical location, such as a tabernacle or temple. Now that we are under a new covenant, the presence of God dwells within us because we are the temple of God. The sanctuary of God is therefore within us. It is not possible to enter the presence of God naturally, but through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our spirit connects with God's spirit in this secret place. "But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. (1 Cor. 2:10)

In order to enter the sanctuary, we need to play our part to move, that is to walk in the spirit. As we submit to the Holy Spirit and draw near to Him, God will reveal Himself to us, changing our natural thinking into spiritual thinking, and in the presence of God, He will reveal His divine purposes and plans.

Blessing prayer: We are God's temple and God's Spirit dwells in us. Let us walk in spirit and bring our questions to you so that You can reveal your heart to us. In Jesus' name, Amen


The significance of honor (Part 1)


Exposing witchcraft (Part 2)