Praying like Jesus

AI, midjourney, jesus prayer

He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Matthew 14:23

Why do we need to pray? Because Jesus prays. 

I believe Jesus is good at hiking because He went up to the mountaintop to pray. He would pray all night or get up very early in the morning to find a solitary place to pray. Prayer is a priority for Jesus, and He modeled a life of prayer for us.

Jesus didn't pray alone, but often in groups, like when He went up the mountain with Peter, John, and James to pray, Luke 9:28.  He also encouraged us to pray in the group as He says “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them. Matthew 18:20

Jesus prayed especially before making decisions or major happenings, such as before crucifixion, seeking God's guidance when He selected the twelve disciples, and praying keeps Him in tune with God's will and purposes.. as Jesus says “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work.” John 4:34  

Throughout the bible, Jesus prays for His disciples and others. In Luke 22:32, Jesus prays that Peter's faith will not fail, and Jesus continues to pray for us all as “He always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:25.  Sometimes we don't know what to pray, but Jesus will go before the Father and intercede on our behalf.

Our Lord Jesus is a man of prayer, He prays privately and publicly, He prays before starting his ministry, He prays before performing miracles, and most importantly, He stays close to His Father through prayer. Jesus believes in prayer, so Jesus prays, I pray!

Blessing prayer: Lord teach us to pray like you. I pray that we will pray without ceasing and emulate your prayers so that we are to accomplish great things through prayers for your glory. In Jesus’s name, Amen


Three loaves of bread 


Prayer is union with God