Prayer is union with God

AI, midjourney, prayer, god

Devote yourselves to prayer Colossians 4:2

Some people asked “If God already knows what I need, what is the point of praying? ” In my view, prayer is not only about begging God to meet our needs and desires, but it is communion with God.

The Hebrew word for prayer is Tefilah, which means union with God. When we pray, we step into the relationship with God and enter into spiritual communion with Him, so it is a divine act. It is prayer that leads to intimacy with God rather than an earthly being begging a God with magic wands in heaven.

Once we realize that prayer is a relational act with God, there is no need for us to utter repetitive, religious prayers and to view God as a vending machine. We can genuinely express our thoughts and feelings towards Him, confiding our hearts to God, so prayer becomes the joy of our lives as we hear God's voice and connect with Him.

Supplication is also a part of prayer, since the Bible instructs us to make our request known to God, and He is our loving father who is interested in our desires.  However, the word Tefillah, which is derived from the Hebrew word "pileil," means judge and examine, thus prayer is where we can reveal our heart issues honestly. A famous quote says, “We don’t pray to change God’s mind, we pray to let God change our heart.” We should examine ourselves when praying, whether our hearts come from fear and entitlement or from a place of submission and faith.

In prayer, we are not begging, but establishing a precious union with God, giving up our own desires to ask God for His heart's alignment, so that our desires become His desires. May we experience the joy of praying and treasure the time with Abba

Blessing prayer: Lord make our prayers after your heart, not my will but your will be done. We allow the Holy Spirit to work in our heart through prayers so we can learn to align with your  heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


Praying like Jesus


Righteousness brings peace