Presumptuous plans

AI, midjourney, devotional, christian

Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins. Psalm 19:13

Presumptuous”in Hebrew is zēḏ, which is commonly translated as proud in the bible. James 4:13 gives an example of presumptuousness, " Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit” 

Initially, I thought this verse made sense because entrepreneurs often have confidence in their business ventures and money-making ideas to put into action and make them successful. However,  James explains that such boasting is outright evil; wouldn't God like us to succeed and make plans?

The problem lies in the fact that we make our own plans without God. We presume "We will" make a profit, as if acting as a mini God to make things happen and relying on our own strength. 

The proper heart attitude should be, If the Lord wills, it is our acknowledgement that everything before our Sovereign Lord is in His hands, and not ours. “If God wills, we will get the job, seal that deal, get married, and have children. God desires us to have a heart attitude that does not presume things will happen according to man's way, but fully submits to Him. 

We can make our requests known to God, but we should not presume that things will go our way, and shouldn't ask God to enact our plans for us; we have to trust and submit to His plans because God gives grace to the humble, and His plans are impossible to thwart.

Blessing prayer: May God help us not to boast about tomorrow, for we never know what the day will bring. Help us yield to your plans and purposes for our lives.  In Jesus’ name, Amen 


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