Don’t disqualify ourselves 

Let it be to me according to your word. Luke 1:38 

In Luke chapter 1, Angel Gabriel announces the birth of John the baptist and Jesus to Zacharias and Mary respectively, but their responses differ despite the similar message. As soon as Zacharias heard the news, he asked, "How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.” Mary also asked,  “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”” 

While the questions appear similar, they actually differ greatly. As Zacharias expressed his unbelief, he asked how he could possibly understand this would happen. He also immediately disqualified himself, by saying both he and his wife are old.  In contrast, Mary asked a valid and honest question, something like,  "Ah, I see. Then how does it work? ” Neither she expressed her unbelief nor did she disqualify herself. 

Due to Zacharias' unbelief, the angel rebuked him and made him mute for a while, while Mary responded faithfully with today's key verse: "I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word.” Mary responded with a childlike faith, no desire to debate, and willingness to go through scandal because of the divine pregnancy.

She has modeled faith filled responses to God's promises and made herself a willing vessel for God's will, especially when God promises something impossible to us. It is humility that accepts God's grace and believes in the Holy Spirit to do the work, but pride is refusing to accept the grace and thinking about our own merits, thereby disqualifying ourselves.

Let it be to me according to the word is the proper response for every believer to respond to God’s promises. May we respond with simple faith and believe God's word will come to pass.

Blessing prayer: Lord, please forgive us when we doubt you and disqualify ourselves, and  grant us a willing and humble heart, for your word shall not return void, and it shall prosper according to your plan.  In Jesus’s name, Amen 


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