Radiance spreads like wings

The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. Malachi 4:2

"Wings' 'in Hebrew is Kanaph, which has a variety of things: it means bird's wings, a skirt, corner and edge etc. The phrase "Under His wings" appears frequently in the bible, representing God's refuge and protection, especially a place to hide during times of trouble.

As well as providing refuge, God's wings also bring healing. Even though the sun doesn't have wings, we can imagine sunrise as the spreading wings dispelling the darkness with its radiance, as described in today's key verse.

Imagine Jesus' wings appear to span the entire world, like the sunlight reaching the farthest reaches of the earth. In Habakkuk 3:4 says ” His radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays flashing from His hand, And there is the hiding of His power.”

Jesus' light has the power to heal, just like the sun provides life-sustaining energy, and science has shown that sunlight has many health benefits that promote healing.  His wings will cover us regardless of where we are, whether we seek healing, strength, or refuge.

Jesus is our sun and we are like His sunflowers, so let us face the sun, and allow the sun of righteousness and His warm rays provide healing and protection. 

Blessing prayer: For the lord is a sun and shield, no good thing you are withholding from us. May your light like the wings cover us and bring us healing, In Jesus’ name Amen! 


Don’t disqualify ourselves 


Too weak to pray