Too weak to pray 

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. Romans 8:26

The Greek word for weakness is asthéneia, which means feebleness of the body and mind. Sometimes we have been too exhausted to pray, physically as well as emotionally. There are times when we feel too weak to pray because we don't know what to pray or how to pray.

Whenever we do not feel like praying or feel too weak, we should actually pray more, not from our human effort, but from letting the Holy Spirit help us to pray. In our weakness, the Spirit intercedes and helps us pray that our own words cannot express. In my experience, praying God's words and in tongues are the key to praying in the spirit.

When I was new to faith and went through a difficult time, a Christian couple comforted me and told me to keep reading Psalms aloud until I felt peace. As a result, I followed the suggestions and simply read and cried out the verses, and felt the supernatural peace upon me and received emotional healing.  In praying God's word, I had my first encounter with praying in the spirit.

It is such a blessing to pray in tongues, and it doesn't mean someone is more spiritually superior. In fact, we receive the gift of tongues because of our weakness in praying. When we speak in tongues, we are able to bypass our minds and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in prayer, especially in building up ourselves. 

Praying in spirit is so beneficial because we are guided by the Holy Spirit to pray according to his will. “because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”Romans 8:27 . The Spirit of God knows what God is thinking, so praying in spirit can  lead us to God's heart.

 How often should we pray in the spirit?  Ephesians 6:18 instructs us to "Pray in the Spirit at all times," It is time to ask the Holy Spirit to help us pray when we feel weak, since His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and praying in weakness has power.

Blessing Prayer:  We don't know what to pray, so we yield to the Holy Spirit, help us surrender to you and utter the mysteries of God, for you can search the deep things of God and give us the strength to cry out “Abba Father”, in Jesus’ name, Amen 


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