Pursue true riches 

Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? Luke 16:11 

Knowing God's nature as a rewarder strengthens our faith and motivates us to serve His kingdom. Jesus mentions true riches in the key verse, when he tells a parable about a shrewd manager dishonestly discounting amounts owed to the owner so people may feel obligated to return kindness and favor to him after losing his job. The shrewd manager can receive only earthly rewards, not heavenly rewards. 

Earthly riches are temporary and fake, where moths can decay and thieves can break in and steal. Nevertheless, I believe money on earth is an important spiritual matter that directly relates to how we lay out our true riches in heaven's bank account. What we do on earth gives us the opportunity to exchange for heavenly currency in heaven. 

Exactly how do we earn the "currency" in heaven and have God deposit it into our heavenly bank account ? One great example is when the widow gave two mites, and Jesus noticed she was giving out of her livelihood. In God's eyes, even seemingly small acts of service don't go unnoticed; it is about the vastness of our hearts and the amount doesn't matter. Each small act we do for Him will be rewarded, even if it is as small as giving a cup of cold water to a child. (Matt 10:42)

It is also important to know that we are not the owners of material wealth, but stewards who are entrusted with God's resources. God will reward us with permanent riches when we use our material possessions for His kingdom.  As Colossians 3:23-24 sums up this truth: “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”

Our time on earth is just a test, but what we do determines our eternal destiny. We don't want to waste our earthly wealth and become paupers in heaven. Even so, the poorest man in heaven is still better than the richest man in hell.  Desire the true riches and let God reward us in heaven, for your service to the Lord will not go to waste! 

Blessing prayer: Please guide us to godliness and give us contentment because they are great riches. Thank you God for your account of our work and for rewarding us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Contentment is great gain 


Worship like no one's watching