Worship like no one's watching

And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor.” 2 Samuel 6:22 

When David brought back the ark of covenant, he began dancing and worshiping before the Lord with all his might. However, Michal, his wife and Saul's daughter, despised his exuberant worship.

Michal criticized David for degrading himself in front of the servants instead of acting like a king. He said unapologetically the key verse today, that he would be even undignified than this.  There was no shame in David showing his true emotions and extreme excitement for God. 

It was indeed "unconventional" for a king to dance like crazy like David, Saul's daughter probably had the idea that a monarch should behave properly in front of others, especially the lowly. In contrast, David simply focuses on God and does not care what people think of him. I could imagine David's excitement to shout for God in exhilaration similar to football fans cheering for a goal.

Michal's criticism did not affect David's mood; instead, he said, "I was before the Lord." since he was so sure that he did it for God, not for people. Additionally, he conveys the truth that before God, for God shows no partiality, whether we are kings or servants, we are all like vapor. as he writes this “Surely men of low degree are a vapor, Men of high degree are a lie; If they are weighed on the scales, They are altogether lighter than vapor. Psalm 62:9

Also, the story foreshadows the arrival of a humble king. While Jesus was despised and rejected by men, especially by so-called highly esteemed people and Jewish ruling classes such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, He was often  well received by the common people and God chose to reveal all the important news such as Jesus' birth and resurrection to shepherds, women, and widows. As David said, his maidservants would honor him. God does not show partiality. Serving God with humility brings us the greatest honor.

Since God dwells in our hearts, we do not need the ark of the covenant today. Don't bottle up our emotions, but let us exude our extreme joy in knowing God and worshiping Him with all our might. Be like a little child before God and express our affection and joy freely! 

Blessing prayer: Help us to have a true focus on you so we can serve you with humility and set aside our egos for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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