Restoring father's love (Part 2)

“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Matthew 3:17

Whatever our earthly fathers were like, Christian faith is a "Dad" experience in relationship with God.  “He will turn the hearts of the father to the children. And the hearts of the children to their fathers.” Malachi 4:6  Thus, to experience a deeper "dad" experience, a change of heart is needed. 

In answer to the question “Who am I?”  I am a child of God” sounds like a simple answer but it comes with a powerful identity. Unfortunately, there is “identity theft" in which many sons and daughters live like orphans under a rejection mindset and with fear. 

Our identity is established by the love of our father, which releases affirmation, approval, and acceptance. When a father says, “I love who you are, and I am proud of you!" It is a powerful way of instilling a strong self-worth and security in a child. People's pain can often be traced back to earthly fathers who misrepresent God's heart to them. Because of "identity theft", many people tie the value and validation of their lives to performance and achievement instead of living out of their true identity rooted in father's love. 

We see little girls especially enjoying being a princess, partly because they want their fathers to notice them. There is a desire among women to know that their father values and notices them. As a result of fathers' attention, women can develop a positive self-image and feel secure in their hearts, so they will not look for validation and attention in the wrong places. 

Today's key verse demonstrates how God declared the word of affirmation toward Jesus before He began any ministry. Jesus' identity has been established by God, and the words "my beloved son, I am well pleased" are the powerful words that Jesus needs to hear. The Father God affirms Jesus so even though He  faced opposition on earth, He served powerfully and never confused or drifted away since He knows His identity and purpose.

How can we receive our heavenly father's approval? Spending time with God to hear Him and to read His Word. Whenever we are still and listen to God, He is so generous in showing us His word of affirmation, as the Holy Spirit will help us see His father's heart in the Bible. Also, we may come across mature spiritual figures who will offer affirmation over our voids and pray over forgiveness prayers that our earthly fathers may not be able to meet our needs. We will be able to forgive and restore fathers' hearts by His grace.

Blessing prayer: I want to know you as my Father. Reveal yourself to me so I may receive your love and healing power. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Restoring father's love (Part 3)


Restoring father's love (Part 1)