Restoring father's love (Part 1) 

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15

What does father mean to you? How do we relate to God as our Father? 

The questions may be uncomfortable for some people because we are living in a fatherless generation.  In addition to the broken hearts caused by the "father wound", many Christians cannot experience God's love in a real, personal way.  It is hard to relate to God as a father as some of us cannot experience father's love in a tangible way or our lives are misrepresented by father's love.

"I know Jesus and I'm learning about the Holy Spirit, but Father God...hmm? ” Not because of theological reasons, but because some of us have experienced pain and issues with earthly fathers, so we may have trouble relating to God as Father. 

My father died of cancer when I was seven years old. Growing up in a single parent family, I thought I had it all together, but when life hit hard, I found myself struggling with self esteem and floundering in life, I was confused most of the time and tried to figure out things on my own, and I had a hard time metabolizing failures. What is the root cause of these problems? 

As I continue to learn deeper about my Christian faith and inner healing, I realize fatherlessness is the root of many issues. The more I study the Bible, the more I see that our greatest need is to be loved by our father, which is the key to every human's existence. 

Why does God refer to Himself as Father? Why does Jesus always emphasize the father-son relationship and that no one can come to the father except through Jesus? (John 14:6) The father's love is so fundamental and critical to these two life questions:

“Who am I?” “Am I loved?” 

Father's love is the key to answering "Who am I?" through establishing a child's identity and purpose. “Am I loved?” Father's love can answer the second question by offering guidance and presence with his covering. 

While some of you might find this topic uncomfortable, I want to assure you that no matter what pain you have endured, our God has the power to heal and restore us to the Father's love.  During the upcoming devotionals, we will explore how fathers establish our identity and purpose, and provide guidance and covering.

Blessing prayer: Deliver us from the spirit of bondage so that we are no longer slaves to fear, but children of God. In Jesus' name, Amen


Restoring father's love (Part 2)


Emotional fortitude through facing reality (Part 2)