Romans 8: The Father's letter 

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Romans 8, it explains the gospel message beautifully, gives assurance that there is no condemnation, gives the role of the spirits in our lives, speaks of our identity as children of God, gives hope in the midst of suffering, and promises an unstoppable love from God. In this passage, God affirms our identity, purpose, gives guidance, and declares His unconditional love for us. Based on Romans 8, I simulated writing a letter from our heavenly father to us. I encourage you to read the Bible from a father's perspective for affirmation and deeper revelation. 

My beloved child, 

You are dearly loved and cherished. You are adopted into my family, and therefore you are an heir of my promises. (Romans 8:15-17). I want you to know this, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37) and there is no condemnation for you. (Romans 8:1) Therefore, I want to affirm to you that you are a victorious warrior and I approve of you. Don't let fear or condemnation cripple you. Let your identity as my child empower you in all that you aspire to accomplish. 

As my child, you have a unique life purpose. You are predestined to bear the image of my Son. (Romans 8:29) To reflect Christ's heart in the places where you are sent, loving, serving, and bringing hope is your call. 

While I understand the journey can be challenging, please know that I have provided guidance, and that the Holy Spirit lives in you, leading you in every step. (Romans 8:15) Even during trials and suffering, your present troubles are momentary and they are stepping stones that will bring glory to you.(Romans 8:18) Remember this:, I am with you, and every trial is meant to refine you so that you will have a glorious future. 

Finally, remember that my presence is always with you, and my love for you never changes. No matter what trials of tribulations you face, nothing can separate you from my love. (Romans 8:38-39) 

Rejoice in your identity, step forth in your purpose, follow my Spirit's guidance, and rest in my presence and unending love. Nothing can change the fact that you are my beloved child. 

With all my love, 

Your Heavenly Father


Spin the four powers of God


Restoring father's love (Part 3)