Spin the four powers of God

And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. Ephesians 1:19 

Today's key verse is so "power packed" because it includes four distinctive Greek words that also denote strength, power, and might.  I am going to highlight the four different Greek "power" words: And what is the exceeding greatness of His power (Dunamis)  toward us who believe, according to the working (Energeia)  of His mighty (Ischus) power (Kratos) . Ephesians 1:19 

This multifaceted power of God is described by the four Greek words: DUNAMIS, ENERGEIA, ISCHUS, and KRATO. I will explain the meanings of the words by using my favorite indoor cycling workout, also known as "spinning". As a leg amputee, I cannot run or do most cardio activities, so I am thrilled to find spin group classes, which are high-intensity workouts with fast-paced music. Spin classes are great exercises that test strength and endurance. As a spinning enthusiast, I've found a parallel between spinning classes and four aspects of God's power. 

DUNAMIS - describes miraculous power such as the power of the gospel. But it can also refer to "inherent power." For example, a stationary bike provides a vigorous workout and generates a lot of power. When my legs activate the bike, it fulfills the bike's potential and accomplishes its purpose. It's the inherent power within the bike.

ENERGEIA - is translated as "working", but it is also known as energy and active power. Likewise, my body needs energy to push the pedals and activate the bike. In our faith, God's power is actively working with us to help us "pedal" and move forward in life.  

ISCHUS - represents enduring strength and “holding power ”. Like when my leg muscles burn during a workout, and I feel like I can't go on, but I somehow find the strength to keep pedaling. This is the strength that God gives us to endure trials, to keep on going when times are tough, like a reserve tank of power we can draw from when we feel weary.

KRATOS- refers to dominion and ruling power. The exhilarating moment when I finish my spinning class, experience mind over body, and feel the rush of endorphins. Spiritual meaning is acknowledging God's ultimate authority and trusting His power, so we can overcome challenges and conquer!

Life is like an endurance race, and to finish, we need to tap into all these powers. May God power our journey and let us not grow weary.

Blessing prayer:  You are our source of our strength, so we are strong in the power of your might. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Food for thought 


Romans 8: The Father's letter