Standing in the counsel of God

Christian, devotional, AI

There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel—that will stand. Proverbs 19:21

The Hebrew word for counsel means advice. It is God's character to counsel man throughout the Bible.  Jesus is known as  “Wonderful Counselor” (Isaiah 9:6),  and Jesus describes the  Holy Spirit  as the ‘’Counselor”. (John 14:26)

As written in today's verse, Man has many plans in his heart. The Hebrew word for  “Plans” means devices and inventions, which remind me of technologies like Google and ChatGPT. It is common for people to "seek counsel" by typing questions into Google. Men are naturally inclined to gather data, information, operate our minds to formulate plans, and make decisions. However, we are never able to perceive the big picture since man's knowledge is limited and finite, making it impossible for man to provide perfect advice.

Yet, the Bible explicitly states that only the counsel of  God will stand. Only His counsel can be established and fulfilled,  because His counsel is eternal, complete and personal.

“Works all things according to the counsel of His will” Ephesians 1:11, He knows everything and from beginning and end, His way is perfect. Furthermore, He is a good God who wants the best for each of us, so even when we make our own plans, He will direct our steps. (Proverbs 16:9), because He is Good.

It is God's promise that His counsel stands, so let us forsake ungodly counsel and human understanding, and we pray and stand in God's counsel.

Blessing prayer: Lord, help us to not be wise in our own eyes, but to seek your counsel at all times. You are the only one who can give us eternal, complete, and personal advice. Thank you  Jesus for being our wonderful counselor and guiding our steps throughout our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Door and Doorway (Part 1)


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