The five offerings Part 1 

By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrew 10:10 

In my yearly bible reading plan, Leviticus is always a chore because it is full of boring rules and regulations concerning the sacrificial ceremonies.  Nevertheless, all scripture is inspired by God and the major 5 offerings in Leviticus foreshadow Jesus, through which we can understand His sacrifice.

  • Burnt Offerings:  Jesus provides perfect atonement for us

In a burnt offering, the animal must be without blemish, consumed entirely in the fire, and its aroma is pleasing to the LORD. “it will be accepted on your behalf to make atonement for you.” Lev 1:4  In this verse, the key word is "atonement" as Jesus is the perfect lamb to atone for our sins. He offers His entire body and blood, just as the entire animal is burned on the altar and its blood is sprinkled. 

  • Grain offering: Memorial His sacrifice. 

Grain offerings require the finest flour and oil, representing Jesus as the bread of life and oil as the “anointed one. “burn this as a memorial portion on the altar.” (Lev 2:9) The keyword is “memorial”, this foreshadows Jesus breaking bread at the last supper: “Do this in remembrance of me.” 

  • Peace offering: Peace with God and Man

In this offering, the priest and the people share food offerings together. With this offering, people were able to eat together with the priest, symbolizing peace and fellowship with God and others.

The first 3 offerings represent that Jesus is our burnt offering bringing cleansing and atonement. He is also a grain offering, which remembers his sacrifice, and a peace offering, which makes things right with both God and people. Part 2 will continue with the other two offerings.  

Blessing prayer: Jesus, you have provided the perfect sacrifice once and for all.  Your sacrifice makes us clean, gives us peace, and we will always remember your generous offering of life and blood for us! In Jesus’s name, Amen. 


The five offering Part 2


Being the pillar in God’s house