The fullness of God 

“to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19

Faith and logic seem contradictory, but I have a brother in Christ who found his faith through logical thinking.  His three reasons are as follows:

Firstly,  he found creationism makes a satisfactory explanation for the origin of everything, while atheism requires more “faith” than believing in God since it cannot explain how life and the universe originated.

Secondly, he found that other religions are conditional when it comes to the afterlife as many religions require self-effort to be good and no guarantee of salvation, whereas Christianity is unconditional and more loving since salvation is a free gift to all through faith. Thirdly, he personally experienced God healing his spine due to a fall from a tree as a child.

Therefore, he is fully convinced that God is all-powerful and beyond time and space. His logical reasoning strengthens his belief that God is capable of performing miracles as he believes God is omnipotent. He also shared a healing testimony from his recent mission trip, in which he prayed for someone who was visually impaired to recover his sight. 

As we talked, I had an open vision of a peanut shell exploding into a universe, and I believe the vision represents how we limit God into a peanut and forget His vastness. 

A finite human cannot comprehend God's infinity, but we can be filled with the fullness of God through knowing the love of Christ as stated in the key verse. God sent Jesus to earth so mankind could understand the totality of God found in Christ.

God communicates with us differently. While some discover God through science, personal experience, or a friend's conversation, the ultimate goal is to bring us to the love of Christ so that we may be filled with the fullness of God. 

Blessing prayer: May Christ dwell in our hearts so that we can comprehend the width and length and depth and height of your love, In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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