He is Risen 

I am the resurrection and the life. John 11:25

We could throw away the Bible and live as though there were no God if Jesus just suffered and died without resurrection. 

Firstly the resurrection proves the power of the gospel, that Jesus is God, and that the Bible is true. As Jesus prophesied “after three days I will rise from the dead.’ His very words angered people in rage and led to His crucification. Nonetheless, it was God's divine plan to fulfill the scriptures and carry out God's  salvation plan.

Second, it demonstrates that Jesus has the power to give us life and forgive our sins, as Romans 4:25 says “He raised for our justification”, and justification is simply defined “as if I had never sinned”. He rose from the dead for the purpose of atoning for our sins so that we can have peace with God, thus eternal life. The gospel is centered on this message. 

Third, Jesus' resurrection shows what our resurrection of our bodies looks like, which gives us hope that we will never die again! As Christ's resurrection was literal and physical, so will our resurrected bodies be. Our resurrected bodies will be transformed but still recognizable, such as passing through solid objects, disappearing like Jesus, and eating fish, etc. But most importantly, our resurrected bodies are immortal and incorruptible.

Jesus Christ's resurrection changed everything, and it is a glorious triumph as death was swallowed up in victory! As well as that, the spirit of the resurrection power dwells in us (Romans 8:11), just like the disciples once fled from Jesus, but after witnessing the public event of resurrection, they were anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish greater things.

Blessings prayer: Jesus, thank you for your complete sacrifice so that we are alive with Christ! We activate your resurrection power in us because we believe in your resurrection! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The fullness of God 


Freedom from accusing spirit Part 2