The inconvenient glory

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:19

As one pastor once put it, some pastors comfort the afflicted, but he afflicts the comfortable, reflecting the fact that some believers settle for convenient Christianity because of comfort and are unwilling to pay the price

During Jesus' lifetime, He did not live in comfort or luxury, especially during His 3.5-year travel ministry; He walked more than 5,000 km under persecution and discomfort, along with being obedient to the point of death.  Jesus showed us what it means to live an "inconvenient life" that glorifies God.

As Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and encountered the temptation of Satan, He provided us with an example of what fasting and prayer look like, and demonstrated how to defeat Satan’s temptation with the word of God.  Jesus fasted inconveniently, but He achieved a glorious victory. 

During Jesus' travel ministry, large crowds followed Him and people asked for healing along the way. He also dealt with public ridicule and opposition from the pharisees.  He traveled an inconvenient path but God's glory was shown through His preaching, healing, and miracles.

Despite the inconvenient cross, Jesus is glorified through it, and God's glory is revealed because the cross destroys the works of the devil and gives us eternal life.

Inconvenience is temporary while glory is eternal. There is no promise from God that following Him will be comfortable and convenient.  Inconvenience is meant to refine us, develop our character, and produce a greater glory for God. Let's embrace the inconvenient faith by pursuing spiritual discipline and living a life worthy of the calling.

Blessing prayer:  Help us see that all things work together for our good, even in the midst of difficulties and trials. We know the present sufferings cannot compare to your eternal glory.  In Jesus’ name Amen. 


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