The Shunammite Woman Part 1

All is well. 2 Kings 4:23

One of my sisters prayed for her baby girl with a good vibe instead of a good look. The meaning of a good vibe intrigued me. In response to my question, she elaborated that a woman should radiate a steadfast aura, as she was inspired by some godly women in her life who are always calm and collected with a deep trust in God. 

My mind immediately went to the story of the Shunammite woman, as she is a great example of a woman with steadfast and unwavering faith. In 2 Kings 4, the Shunammite woman invited Elisha to her house for food and she even made a room for him to stay. When Elisha learned that the woman was childless, he prophesied over her that she would have a child next year. As prophesied, the Shunammite woman had a son, however the son died suddenly out in the field.

It caught my attention when she calmly responded to the sudden death. First, she placed her son on Elisha's bed, then asked her husband to prepare a donkey and servant so she could run to Elisha; when her husband asked her why she wanted to see Elisha, she simply answered all is well. She went to Elisha at full speed, and even his servant asked her what had happened; she calmly replied, "it is well ”. By the end of the story, Elisha had raised the boy from the dead.

In the Bible stories about people being raised from the dead, most people cried and wept over the dead people, except the Shunammite woman, who responded differently to the loss, but with unwavering faith like Abaharm, believing God could raise her son from the dead.

In the midst of tragedy, the Shunammite woman kept her faith and focused on God, despite not knowing why God let her son die. In part 2, we will see how God reveals the whole picture of the story. 

Blessing prayer: Give us unwavering faith and steadfast spirit in the face of trials and mountains. Let us focus on you and trust God enough to know that all will be well. In Jesus’ name, Amen


The Shunammite woman Part 2


Defiling the temple of God