The Shunammite woman Part 2

“This is the woman, and this is her son whom Elisha restored to life.” 2 Kings 8:5

In part 2, we learn about the Shunammite woman's kindness and hospitality to Elisha, and how God raised her promised son from the dead through Elisha. Yet,  the Shunammite woman's story hasn’t finished , as it continues after four chapters. 

Because of famine, the Shunammite listened to Elisha's word to leave her household and go to the land of the Philistines for seven years. After seven years, the woman returned to her homeland and found that she had lost her house and property, so she appealed to the King with her son.

As soon as she arrived, Elisha's servant Gezhzi began recounting how Elisha restored the Shummanite's son years ago.  It was the right moment for her to show up and prove the living testimony.  She testified to the king how Elisha restored his son to life and then the king restored everything that was hers. 

It is beyond her wildest dreams, for the Shunammite woman never imagined God would restore her lost land through the testimony of the restoration of her son. Later, God revealed the full picture: He is God of restoration, and He restored her twice miraculously, and He also made her a living witness to a king.

Despite the fact that the woman is anonymous, the Bible has in-depth details about her story, her unwavering faith and ministry to Elisha have resulted in a miraculous reward and restoration from God. 

The Shunammite woman also taught us a valuable lesson “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 We are not laboring in vain for the Lord, for He is good and faithful.

Blessing prayer: God, you are the God of restoration and miracle worker, and you can turn all bad things into good. Keep us faithful to you and obedient to the ministry you have called us to do and let us not become weary in doing good.  In Jesus' name, Amen. 


Exposing the accusing spirit Part 1


The Shunammite Woman Part 1