The Three Spiritual Habits- Daily Walk (Part 3) 

And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. Genesis 5:24 

The "daily walk with Christ" represents our relationship and intimacy with our Heavenly Father. By walking with God, we experience His presence and power throughout the day, receive His guidance and strength through intimate conversations.

In walking with God, we are conversing as we would with a friend. He doesn't have to only be spoken to in times of distress and need, nor are we limited by the prayer closet. We can converse with Him and hear from Him anytime and anywhere. As we go about our daily lives, we can invite God into our every thought, for example the mundane things like grocery shopping, washing dishes, and commune time at work, where our thought process can be a conversation with God. God is looking forward to our intimacy with Him, so He enjoys both small and serious talk from us. 

Like today's verse, Enoch is known for walking with God, and God loves walking with Enoch so much that He took him from this earth. There is no doubt that these verses show God's desire to walk with us and how much he enjoys it. 

A daily walk with God can strengthen our relationship with Him and cultivate our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, so we can hear from Him and involve Him in every aspect of our lives. To walk with God, we must share our honest thoughts with him. Religious mindsets won't let us walk with God. As an example, if we are about to attend a board meeting, a religious mindset will think, "If I don't pray this prayer before the meeting, you won't bless me in the meeting." On the other hand, the relationship mindset up will think, "God, I don't know what to say in the meeting, can you help me? I will bring you in the meeting." Then we can listen to God's guidance and feel peace as we listen to what he wants us to do in the meeting.

Let our thoughts be involved with God throughout the day. Our Lord wants to walk with us, talk with us, listen to us, hear our hearts and be present in all of our activities.  Let's enjoy our daily walk with God! 

Blessing prayer: Lord, we long to walk with you in every aspect of our lives. Let us walk at your pace and listen carefully to what you say, so each day we are satisfied with your bread, drink, and precious relationships! In Jesus' name, Amen 


The unmet needs


The Three Spiritual Habits- Daily Drink (Part 2)