A Memorial Before God

"Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God."Acts 10:4 

In Acts 10, we find Cornelius, a devout Italian Centurion whose consistent prayers and acts of charity rise up to God as a 'memorial.' This story testifies that God is both active and attentive; He remembers and notices each of us. Each prayer we utter and each act of kindness we perform does not vanish; instead, they ascend to God, stirring Him to action and triggering a divine response. Acts 10 illustrates how Cornelius's faithful prayers lead to a miraculous encounter with Peter, orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. This encounter not only changes his life but also significantly impacts the early Christian community, especially the Gentiles. Imagine how our prayers and good deeds can move the heart of God, leading to divine interventions that are beyond our understanding and potentially as impactful as the righteousness demonstrated by Cornelius.

Reflect on your recent prayers and acts of kindness. How might they be ascending as a memorial before God today? 

Abba Father, we thank You that our prayers and charitable deeds are not forgotten but ascend before You as a sweet-smelling memorial. You are not a distant God but an active and attentive Father in our lives. Thank You for the assurance that every prayer uttered and every act of charity is held in Your eternal remembrance. We declare, as in Psalm 34:15, that Your eyes are on the righteous and Your ears are open to their cry. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, trusting that You are always listening, always actively at work. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Running ahead with God’s hand


Meant for Shining Glory