Running ahead with God’s hand

Then the hand of the LORD was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.” - 1 Kings 18:46

The passage 1 Kings 18:46 vividly illustrates divine empowerment, as the hand of the Lord comes upon Elijah. This divine touch is not just a mere encouragement—it is a powerful enablement for the challenges that lie ahead, akin to being filled with the Holy Spirit or receiving a divine anointing. Upon receiving this power from God, Elijah "girds up his loins," a practice of tucking his long robes to facilitate rapid movement, much like rolling up one's sleeves today. This act represents readiness and preparation, setting the stage for the courage that follows. Empowered and prepared, Elijah then runs ahead of King Ahab, facing his adversary, not fleeing but confronting the challenges with boldness.

For modern believers, this narrative offers a  model for spiritual engagement. Initially, we receive God's power; His hand empowers us. Next, we must ready ourselves, aligning our hearts and minds for action according to His will. Finally, with readiness and empowerment, we confront our challenges with boldness—not with fear or escape but we can run ahead and we need not fear evil or the obstacles ahead.

Reflection Question:

How can you “gird up your loins” today, preparing to run with the boldness that  God gives you to face your specific challenges?


Abba Father, I thank You for Your hand that is upon me, granting me Your strength and power. Help me to gird up my loins, to prepare swiftlyand diligently for the tasks You have set before me. May I run with endurance the race that is ahead, not with fear but with the courage.  Let me remember that it is not by my might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit, Lord. Empower me to stand firm and move forward in Your strength, for Your glory. In Jesus’name, Amen.


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A Memorial Before God