Clothed in Strength and Dignity

The Hebrew word for dignity, חָדַר (hadar), signifies splendor, glory, and majesty—attributes that define our identity in Christ. This virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 wears her inherent value as her clothing. In stark contrast to shame, which diminishes and often leads us to hide, honor elevates and infuses us with esteem, respect, and a deep awareness of our worth in the eyes of God. It empowers us to stand out and shine.

This identity in Christ enables her to look forward to the future with laughter—a fearless, joyful confidence that is deeply rooted in the security of God’s promises. This verse encourages us to embrace strength and honor as essential elements of our spiritual wardrobe. By putting on strength and honor, we can face life’s uncertainties with a joyful heart, steadfast in our trust that God’s strength and glory are with us.

How can you cultivate a heart of 'hadar'—embracing dignity as essential parts of your identity in Christ—to help you face the uncertainties of life with joy and confidence?

Abba Father, we thank You for clothing us in strength and dignity as promised in Proverbs 31:25. Teach us to walk in the honor You bestow upon us, as an integral part of our identity in Christ. May we laugh without fear of the future, for our confidence is anchored in Your unfailing strength and honor. Help us to reflect Your honor in every circumstance, embracing the future with hope and joy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The Words of Proverbs (Part 17) Wisdom and Kindness


The Word of Proverbs 31 (Part 15) - Maximization