Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 12: This Life Matters

Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. Ephesians 1:14

Common Lie: Spiritual life is only about the future, this life doesn't matter, and we are weak on earth.

In Ephesians 1:14, Paul describes the Holy Spirit as a 'deposit' or 'down payment' guaranteeing our full inheritance, countering the lie that 'this life doesn’t matter.' This Greek term underscores a secure transaction; full payment and fulfillment are assured by God Himself. The Holy Spirit is not just a symbol but a foretaste of the fullness of God's kingdom. If this life held no value, there would be no need for such a seal and deposit. From the moment we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within us, marking this life as the beginning of what will be fully realized in eternity. Thus, every moment now is an opportunity to experience God's work and prepare for the fullness of our promises. This divine empowerment debunks the myth that we are weak on earth; the presence of the Holy Spirit equips us to overcome life's challenges and the opposition of evil. This deposit from God shows that spiritual life has immediate implications; we are called to manifest God's kingdom values here and now, actively shaping our future and influencing the world. Let us yield to the Holy Spirit and live a life worthy of our calling.

Scripture Immersion

In what areas of your life are you waiting passively for 'the future kingdom' instead of actively engaging with the Holy Spirit's work now?

Abba Father, Forgive us for times we have underestimated the significance of this life You have given us. Holy Spirit, we invite You afresh to fill us, enabling us to experience more of God and to taste the kingdom on earth.  I declare that I am equipped by the Holy Spirit, the deposit guaranteeing my inheritance, to live powerfully and purposefully, manifesting God's kingdom here and now, to the praise of His glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen 


Debunk Lies with Ephesians Part 13 Grow in Faith and Love


Debunk Lies with Ephesians (Part 11) Embracing weak faith and doubt